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2. Development of New Structural Systems
2-4. Tensegrity Structure - Design, Construction and Evaluation
The peculiar appearance of tensegrity structures has been attracting many people since their emergence. Although many architects, engineers, and researchers have tried to apply tensegrity systems to practical purposes as fullscale structures, none of them were successful since tensegrity structures are usually too flexible to use and too complexed to handle. We investigated real behavior of the tensegrity skeletons very carefully, and found that some of them can be applied used as real building skeletons. We then had an opportunity to design a membrane building and designed tensegrity skeleton for its structre. We also proposed special construction scheme and 22-ton prestress was introduced manually without any mechanical power such as hydraulic jacks. The construction process was perfectly successful. As far as we know these are the world first tensegrity skeleton ever constructed which surves as a real building structure.